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CHUNK ON rolls onwards, building on the success of issue 002lbs. If the magazine was born from an acorn that fell from the oak that was Sub Surface Journal, then issue 003lbs sees us breaking through the soil, seeking light in the form of new inspiration and adventures. These are supplied by Matteo, as he takes us on a journey to the shores of the stunning Lake Bled, where dreams are made. Jake takes us back to his roots, covering his angling on the historic Quarry lake in deepest Essex. And Dave shares his very successful winter’s angling on a couple of club lakes, catching some stunning, and very special, fish along the way.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re toughing it out on a low stock pit for a handful of bites a year, catching beaten up mid doubles from a river, going on continental adventures or enjoying a social with your mates on a runs water. When you cut through all the negatives and politics that sometimes descend on carp angling like a dark cloud, one thing unites us all: a passion for angling. And it’s this, above all else, that shines through, linking all three pieces in issue 003lbs. This, and beautiful carp, of all shapes and sizes. The words are backed up by the best of a whole hoard of images that we were lucky enough to have submitted by you, the readership. If you enjoy what you are holding, and we sincerely hope you do, then please do get in touch and contribute, as the future of CHUNK ON depends on it.